Try Grimhook For Free, See If You Want To Wishlist The Full Version

Something For A Slow Week In Gaming News

Are you a fan of first person platforming games and haven’t tried Grimhook?  It’s free to grab on Steam and just received a number of patches, so why not give it a shot?  If you have played it then good news, the developer Unlimited Fries is looking to make it into a full game.  The more people that play the ~25 minute free version, the more likely we are to see the full version.  As the name subtly implies, you are armed with a grappling hook to help you navigate through the environment as well as to destroy any vicious robots which get in your way.

As you continue you will gain some rather creepy looking powers and star to wall jump, double jump and a variety of other tentacle enhanced maneuvers.  Free is always great, so see if we can help get what was originally a game designed for a student game jam and made in just over a week into a full fledged game.

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