Mozilla Releases Firefox 15

The Mozilla Foundation released Firefox 15 Wednesday, promising a browser that is more memory efficient and geared towards 3D markup languages.

In addition to tweaks and modernization, the Mozilla Foundation says Firefox 15 will include 31 security patches — 23 that fix critical security exploits.

While Google Chrome has been pushing for some time to be the browser of choice for web gaming, the Mozilla Foundation is trying to make Firefox a more game centric platform improving dramatically its support for WebGL.

“Although its roots have been around for some time, Mozilla’s focus on games is a relatively new initiative,” said Mozilla’s Marin Best in a Tuesday blog post. “We are focused on making Firefox the best game development platform possible.”

“One of the main goals of the Mozilla Community working on games is to not only drive game development on Firefox but across all browsers. Any browser that has implemented the necessary modern Web standards used by the BananaBread demo [a techdemo Mozilla made to demonstrate OpenGL on the browser] can run it. These efforts help us stay in touch with how HTML5 is coming together and see opportunities where we can make developers’ lives easier. Hearing directly from the HTML5 game developer community is a key part of how we learn what needs to be done.”

Firefox 15 can be downloaded here.