Khronos Announces OpenGL ES 3.0, OpenGL 4.3, ASTC Texture Compression, & CLU

As we approach August the technical conference season for graphics is finally reaching its apex. NVIDIA and AMD held their respective events in May and June respectively, and this week the two of them along with the other major players in the GPU space are coming together for the graphics industry’s marquee event: SIGGRAPH 2012. Overall we’ll see a number of announcements this week, and kicking things off will be the Khronos Group.

The Khronos Group is the industry consortium responsible for OpenGL, OpenCL, WebGL, and other open graphics/multimedia standards and APIs. At SIGGRAPH 2012 they are making several announcements. Chief among these are the release of the OpenGL ES 3.0 specification, the OpenGL 4.3 specification, the Adaptive Scalable Texture Compression Extension, and the CLU utility for OpenCL. We'll be diving into each of these announcements, breaking them down into the major features and how they're going to affect their respective projects.