Oh Joy, AI Infects YouTube! The Inspiration Tab Will Now Make Your Content For You

Guaranteed To Game The Algorithm Better Than You Can!

If you built up a YouTube channel over the years as a labour of love, devoting untold hours of your time to creating something to share with the world, the new Inspiration Tab stands to destroy everything you have built.  Creators have been forced over the years to follow ever increasingly byzantine rules to avoid demonetization, and to modify some of their content to ensure the algorithms which now rule YouTube suggestions don’t bury their content down a hole that few will ever find.  Now, they won’t stand a chance.

The new AI powered Inspiration Tab on YouTube is touted as “as a helpful brainstorming tool“, however when pressed Google admitted it can be used to create entire videos from scratch.  You don’t even need to provide content, instead you use AI!  Instead of appearing on camera or filming actual content your videos can be made entirely using the included DeepMind video modeller called Veo.  No matter how hard putting together a video project in the real world is, Veo will let you create it without ever getting off your arse.  The videos will be limited to six seconds for now, so at least YouTube channels won’t have AI generated Idoru instead of actual hosts … yet.

The best part about all this is that content created using the Inspiration Tab and Veo will have an immense advantage when it comes to the algorithms YouTube uses to recommend videos.  They will be able to modify the content to game those algorithms the instant they change, you could likely those tools edit your older videos to ensure they match the current weights applied by YouTube at the press of a button.

Keep an eye on the PC Perspective Podcast, if we start becoming attractive you’ll know we’ve caved to the temptation.

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